XML Adapter Classes

The Imixs-Core API provides adapter classes to transform a Imixs ItemCollection into a XML object and vice versa.


The XMLDocumentAdapter can be used to transform a Imixs ItemCollection in XML or transform a XML source into a ItemCollection:

ItemCollection workitem;
XMLDocument xmlData = XMLDocumentAdapter.getDocument(workitem);


The XMLDataCollectionAdapter can be used to transform a List of Imixs ItemCollection elements in XML or transform a XML source into a List of ItemCollection:

List<ItemCollection> dataList;
XMLDataCollection xmlData = XMLDataCollectionAdapter.getDataCollection(dataList);

The next example shows how to read a XML source into a XMLDataCollectionAdapter

List<ItemCollection> col = null;
try {
	col = XMLDataCollectionAdapter
} catch (JAXBException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {

You can also write the data into a byte array using the XMLDataCollectionAdapter:

byte[] data = null;
try {
	data = XMLDocumentAdapter.writeItemCollection(itemColSource);
	Assert.assertTrue(data.length > 100);
} catch (JAXBException | IOException e) {