The Imixs-Faces Web Components

Imixs-Faces is a component library based on JSF and jQuery, which makes development of Jakarta Faces font-ends together with the Imixs-Workflow engine much easier. This library contains a set of CDI beans and UI components to be used in a Jakarta Faces 4.0 Web Application.

Since Java EE6 the lightweight Web Profiles simplifies the deployment of Java EE applications. In case of a Web application the Imixs-Faces components can be deployed together with the Imixs-Workflow engine. See the following maven depencency configuration


You will find more information about the Maven support of Imixs-Workflow in the section Maven.

The Imixs-JSF Sample Application provides a good starting point to learn how to setup a JSF Web Application with Imixs-Workflow.

Imixs-Faces Data

Imixs-Faces provides different CDI beans to control the data flow within a JSF application.

  • DocumentController - A @ConversationScoped CDI bean to view and edit a single document entity
  • WorkflowController - A @ConversationScoped CDI bean to control the processing life cycle of a single workitem
  • ViewController - A @ViewScoped CDI bean to control a query defintion, pagination and filtering of a data result.
  • ViewHandler - A @RequestScoped CDI bean to display the data result provided by the ViewController

To interact a Document or WorkflowController the CDI Event ‘WorkflowEvent’ can be observed by a client. This simplifies the integration of custom CDI beans and controllers. Read the section controller for details.

Imixs-Faces Util

Imixs-Faces includes some utility classes to support typical UI flows in a JSF application in combination with Imixs-Workflow

  • LoginController - A @RequestScoped CDI bean providing information about the current user session
  • ErrorHandler - this bean can be used to translate Imixs-Workflow PluginExceptions into a JSF Message
  • ValidationExcepiton - a custom exception type to handle Imixs-Workflow exceptions.
  • VectorConverter - translates a String into a List
  • ViewExpiredExceptionHandler - handle expired JSF sessions

Imixs-Faces FileUpload

This package contains a FileUploadController and a Servlet to handle multi-file uploads.

Imixs-Faces UI

Imixs-Faces provides UI widgets to be used in a JSF Page.