The Async Events

An Async Event is executed asynchronous after a processing life-cycle. In difference to Follow-Up Events the process instance will be persisted in a new status before a async event is executed.

Async Events are modeled as BPMN Boundary Events.

The Async Event is identified by the following task attributes:


The timerEventDefinition is optional.

In BPMN2 the definition of a Async Event looks like this:

    <bpmn2:boundaryEvent id="BoundaryEvent_1" name="" attachedToRef="Task_1">
      <bpmn2:timerEventDefinition id="TimerEventDefinition_2">
        <bpmn2:timeDuration xsi:type="bpmn2:tFormalExpression" id="FormalExpression_4">1000</bpmn2:timeDuration>
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_8" sourceRef="BoundaryEvent_1" targetRef="IntermediateCatchEvent_3"/>

The AsyncEventProcessor

The AsyncEventProcessor is a managed execution service observing the life cycle of a process instance. If a process instance reaches a task with a Async Event a asynchronous log event will be created and the targetEvent will be executed after the processing life-cycle is completed.

The TransactionID

A workitem entity is holding a $transactionID identifying the last processing life-cycle. An AsyncEvent is only processed in case the $transactionID matches the last transactionID from the workitem. In case the $transactionID has changed the AsyncEventProcessor discards the eventLog entry. This mechanism ensures that AsyncEvents are not fired twice or outside the corresponding status.


The AsyncEventProcessor runs on a scheduled base defined by the following environment settings:

ASYNCEVENT_PROCESSOR_INTERVAL - timeout period in milliseconds
ASYNCEVENT_PROCESSOR_ENABLED - must be set to true (default=false).
ASYNCEVENT_PROCESSOR_DEADLOCK - deadlock in milliseconds (default 1 minute)

To prevent concurrent processes to handle the same workitems the batch process uses a Optimistic lock strategy. The expiration time on the lock can be set by the environment variable ASYNCEVENT_PROCESSOR_DEADLOCK.

The EventLogService and Rest API

You can create, read or remove events with thes EventLogService. This service provides methods to programmatically manage events. See the section EventLogService for details.

    EventLogService eventLogService;
   	eventLogService.createEvent(workitem.getUniqueID(), "MY_TOPIC");

Additionally you can access the event logs also via the Imixs Rest API. This allows you to process events externaly or exchange events between different workflow instances.

	EventLogClient client = new EventLogClient(externalBaseURI);
	// set credentials..
	eventLogClient.createEventLogEntry("MY_TOPIC", workitem.getUniqueID(), myDataObject);

Find more details in the section EventLogService.