The AccessAdapter
The AccessAdapter is responsible for the ACL settings associated with a workitem. The generic adapter class applies a access control list (ACL) to the current process instance. See also the section security for more details.
The adapter updates the following WorkItem attributes:
- $ReadAccess
- $WriteAccess
- $participants.
The ACL settings can be configured for a BPMN Event or Task element using the Imixs-BPMN modeling tool:
See also the section ACL Properties of the BPMN modeler.
The participants is a computed list of all users who edited this workitem.
BPMN Attributes
The following attributes defined in the model element are evaluated by the plugin:
keyupdateacl (Boolean): if false the ACL will not be changed
keyaddreadfields (Vector): a list of items of the current WorkItem to be applied to the read access
keyaddwritefields (Vector): a list of items of the current WorkItem to be applied to the write access
namaddreadaccess (Vector): Names & Groups to be applied to the read access
namaddwriteaccess (Vector): Names & Groups to be applied to the write access
The AccessPlugin evaluates the ACL settings of the current Event element as also the ACL settings of the next Task element. If the current Event Element provides a ACL setting, the next Task element will be ignored.
Dynamic ACLs
The dynamic ACL settings are used to compute the access list based on the item values stored in the current process instance. The ACL is computed dynamically based on the properties of the corresponding item values.
For example, if a process instance holds a Item ‘_team’ with the values ‘bob’,‘frank’ and ‘anna’, and the item name ‘_team’ is stored in the
field ‘keyaddwritefields’ of the BPMN element, than only those users will be granted to a write access.
Static ACL
It is also possible to define the ACL in a static way. The UserIDs and Role names have to match the login name and role definitions of the workflow application. The values can be stored in the fields ‘namaddreadaccess’ and ‘namaddwriteaccess’ of the BPMN element.