CDI Support
Imixs-Workflow supports CDI for all service components which makes it easy to tie different services together.
For example an bean or a Resource can be easily injected into a plugin class by the corresponding annotation. See the following example injecting the ModelService
public class DemoPlugin extends AbstractPlugin {
// inject services...
ModelService modelService;
In some situations where CDI does not work, it can be necessary to fetch a Service EJB by a JNDI lookup.
The following Example shows a JNDI Lookup for an external Service EJB from the WorkflowService:
MyServiceBean myService;
try {
String ejbName="ejb/MyServiceBean";
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
myService = (MyServiceBean) ic.lookup(ejbName);
} catch (Exception e) {
workflowService = null;
The JNDI Name is defined by the application server. To lookup a EJB or resource by JNDI name, the name need to be configured in ejb-jar.xml. The following example shows the configuration for wildfly:
<!-- MyServiceBean -->