Imixs-Faces Fileupload

Imixs-Faces Fileupload is a custom component to provide a fileUpload widget. The component consists of the following parts

  • the FileUploadController - a front-end controller to push uploaded files into a workitem (based on JSF 4.0)
  • the i:imixsFileUpload - a JSF component to be used in JSF pages

The <i:imixsFileUpload /> component can be included into any JSF form using the tag ‘imixsFileUpload’

<i:imixsFileUpload id="file_upload_id" />

You can show the attachment list of a given ItemCollection. Using this feature you need to provide the contexturl and the workitem stored the FileData objects.

<i:imixsFileUpload showattachments="true"
	context_url="#{facesContext.externalContext.requestContextPath}/api/" />


The FileUpload component provides a set of style classes which can be used to customized the layout:

CSS class Description
.imixsfileupload the main component
.imixsfileupload-table table containing the new uploaded files
.imixsfileuploadinput the file input element
.remove-link link symbol to remove a file
.drop-area area to drop files

The FileUploadController

The FileUploadController provides methods to extract a file from a mulitpart http request. File will be automatically attached to the current workflow or document context by observing the CDI event DocumentEvent and WorkflowEvent. Optional a CDI Bean can use the controller method attacheFiles to manually attache files.

protected ItemCollection modelUploads = null;
FileUploadController fileUploadController;

public void doUploadModel(ActionEvent event)
		throws ModelException {

	try {
	} catch (PluginException e) {
	List<FileData> fileList = modelUploads.getFileData();