The Model Service

The resource /model provides methods to read and update workflow models through the Imixs-Rest API.

GET a Model

The GET method is used to read model objects provided by the Model Manager:

URI Method Description
/model GET a list of model versions provided by the workflow instance
/model/{version}/tasks GET all tasks of a specific model version
/model/{version}/tasks/{taskid} GET a task identified by its taskID
/model/{version}/tasks/{taskid}/events GET all events assigned to a specific task.
/model/{version}/tasks/{taskid}/events/{eventid} GET a event assigned to a specific task identified by its eventID.
/model/{version}/groups GET a sorted list of all unique process groups. In case the model is a collaboration diagram only group names from private process are returned (Pools)!
/model/{version}/groups/{group} GET all tasks of a specific workflow group
/model/{version}/groups/{group}/start GET all start tasks of a specific workflow group
/model/{version}/groups/{group}/end GET all end tasks of a specific workflow group
/model/{version}/definition GET the model definition containing general model information (e.g.$ModelVersion, Actors, Plugins, …).
/model/{version}/bpmn GET BPMN source file
/model/{version}/tasks/{taskid}/dataobjects/{name} GET the content of a dataObject by name assigned to a BPMN task
/model/{version}/tasks/{taskid}/events/{eventid}/dataobject/{name} GET the content of a dataObject by name assigned to a BPMN event
/model/{version}/tasks/{taskid}/formdefinition GET the form definition assigned to a BPMN task


BPMN DataObjects assigned to a Task or an Event element are stored in the item dataobjects and can be requested by the corresponding element. See the following example to request all dataObjects assigned to task 1000 of the model 1.0


PUT/POST a Model

The methods PUT and POST are used to write and update a model:

URI Method Description
/model/bpmn/{filename} GET creates or update a model based on a BPMN 2.0 model file. The filename defines the internal filename to store the model
/model/bpmn GET creates or update a model based on a BPMN 2.0 model file. The internal filename is generated from the modelversion +.bpmn

Using the curl command a model file can be uploaded with:

$ curl --user admin:adminadmin --request POST -Tticket-en-1.0.0.bpmn http://localhost:8080/api/model/bpmn/

DELETE a Model

The method DELETE is used to delete model objects:

URI Method Description
/model/{version} DELETE deletes a specified model version