Apache TomEE Deployment Guide

This section will explain the configuration steps needed to successfully deploy the Imixs-Sample Application on Apache TomEE Application Server. The deployment is similar for other custom projects. For general information about the deployment of the Imixs-Workflow engine, see also the section Deployment Guide.

Install Apache TomEE

You can download Apache TomEE the TomEE project site. This site also includes an Installation guide for installing TomEE on different platforms. It's recommended to use TomEE-plus.

After the server is started you can access the TomEE web console from your web browser with the following URL:


Setting up a Imixs-Workflow database pool

The Imixs-Sample Application expects a database resource with the name “jdbc/workflow”.

Thus you need first to set up a Database Pool and a JDBC resource before you can deploy the application successful. You can run any SQL database like MySQL, Oracle, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server, …

  • Install Mysql version 5.7.20 (CE)
  • created the database imixs in MySQL

Note: You can change the details of the persistence.xml located in /src/main/resourceses/META-INF if necessary. In most cases, however, there is no need for it.


The Imixs-Sample Application uses EclipseLink for JPA. So you need to download EclipseLInk and deploy the library into your TomEE.

  • Download the eclipseLink from here. The Zip file includes the file eclipselink.jar.
  • Drop the eclipselink-2.4.2.jar into the lib folder of tomee-plus

Setup Security

To run Imixs-Workflow you need to authenticate against your application with one of the Imixs Access Roles.

So fist create a user role in tomcat-users.xml (conf folder)

 <role rolename="IMIXS-WORKFLOW-Manager"/>

next create a user named “both” in tomcat-users.xml

 <user username="both" password="xxxxxx" roles="tomcat,role1,org.imixs.ACCESSLEVEL.MANAGERACCESS" />

Deploy The Sample Application

Now you can deploy your application:

  1. drop the imixs-jsf-example.war file in webapps folder of tomee-plus
  2. start tomee-plus startup script
  3. restarted tomee-plus

Run The application


You can login as user “both” and password

Note: In case of a console error about missing imixs core libs in folder WEB-INF/classes for imixs-jsf-example webapp, stop the server and copy entire lib folder from WEB-INF to to WEB-INF/classes folder. See also discussion here.

Need Help?

If you have any difficulty in deployment of your application, contact the community for help. Also if you have any tips and suggestions for improvements, please share them as well.