The Imixs Community
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Get Help and Contribute
Imixs-Workflow is an open source project and we sincerely invite you to participate in it. There are different ways how you can do that. Join the Imixs Workflow Project now on GitHub. You can help to improve the project by reporting new issues or start a discussions.
You have a Question?
Imixs-Workflow includes a lot of technologies.
If you have a question and you are not sure where to put it,
use the Github Discussion Board.
You found a Bug?
If you have any issues running Imixs-Worklfow in you own project or found a bug, than post a new issue on the
GitHub Issue Tracker.
You would like to contribute code to the Imixs-Workflow project? Why not? Imixs-Workflow consists of a lot of sub-projects hosted on GitHub. With a pull request on GitHub you can tell about your ideas and changes you would like to contribute.
Need Support?
Imixs is a software company and we are
specialized in business process management solutions (BPMS). We
offer professional services and consulting for open source and
individual software projects.
Imixs Software Solutions GmbH
Coding Guidelines
We use Eclipse as the main development platform. Also the code style of Imixs-Workflow is based on the Eclipse Code Style rules.
- tab is used for indention
- line length is set to 120
You can import the file ‘imixs-code-style.xml’ into the Eclipse IDE to get the actual formating rules (Preferences -> Java-Code-Style Formatter Profile). Please do not reformat existing code. If you use an other IDE like Eclipse we recommend to import an appropriate formatting style rule.