Package org.imixs.workflow.exceptions
package org.imixs.workflow.exceptions
ClassDescriptionAn AccessDeniedException should be thrown by a Imixs Workflow component if the callerPrincipal is not allowed to access an instance of a workitem.An AdapterException is thrown by an Imixs-Workflow Adapter implementationThe ExceptionHandler provides a method to add a error message to the given workItem, based on the data in a WorkflowException or InvalidAccessException.An IndexException is a runtime exception which is thrown by a Imixs Workflow component if a index is not read or writable. .An InvalidAccessException is a runtime exception which should be thrown by a Imixs Workflow component if a method call is invalid or the data structure is in an invalid state.An ModelException should be thrown by a service component if a model entity is invalid or does not existA PluginException is thrown by an Imixs-Workflow plugin implementation.An ProcessingErrorException is a RuntimeExcption thrown by the workflowManager if an error occurs during the process methodThe QueryException is thrown in case a search query can not be pased.WorkflowException is the abstract super class for all Imixs Workflow Exception classes.