Package org.imixs.workflow.engine
package org.imixs.workflow.engine
ClassesClassDescriptionThe AsyncEventScheduler starts a scheduler service to process async events in an asynchronous way by calling the AsyncEventService.The AsyncEventService can be used to process workflow events in an asynchronous batch process.The DocumentEvent provides a CDI observer pattern.The DocumentService is used to save and load instances of ItemCollections into a Database.The EventLogService is a service to create and access an event log .The Imixs HealthCheckService implements the Microservice HealthCheck interface.The ImixsConfigSource is a custom config source based on Microprofile Config API.The Imixs MetricSerivce is a monitoring resource for Imixs-Workflow in the prometheus format.The ModelManager is independent form the IX JEE Entity EJBs and uses the standard IntemCollection Object as a data transfer object to communicate with clients.The ProcessingEvent provides a CDI event fired by the WorkflowService EJB.The ReportService supports methods to create, process and find report instances.The SetupEvent provides a CDI observer pattern.The SetupService EJB initializes the Imxis-Workflow engine and returns the current status.The TextEvent provides a CDI observer pattern.The TextForEachAdapter can be used to format text fragments with the 'for-each' tag.The TextItemValueAdapter replaces text fragments with the values of a named Item.The TextPropertyValueAdapter replaces text fragments with named system property values.The UserGroupEvent provides a CDI observer pattern.This EJB implements a Imixs Scheduler Interface and scans workitems for scheduled activities.The WorkflowSchedulerController is used to start and stop the standard workflow scheduler.The WorkflowService is the Java EE Implementation for the Imixs Workflow Core API.