All Classes and Interfaces
This is the abstract base class for the CDI beans DocumentController and
This abstract class implements different helper methods used by subclasses
The AccessAdapter is a generic adapter class responsible to update the ACL of
a workitem.
An AccessDeniedException should be thrown by a Imixs Workflow component if
the callerPrincipal is not allowed to access an instance of a workitem.
An Adapter defines an adapter pattern used by the WorkflowKernel to call
adapter implementations defined by the BPMN model.
An AdapterException is thrown by an Imixs-Workflow Adapter implementation
This Exception is thrown by the AdminPService
The AdminPRestService provides methods to access the AdminPService EJB
The AmdinPService provides a mechanism to start long running jobs.
This plugin can be used to measure the time of any phase during a workflow.
This Plugin updates application specific settings.
This plug-in is used to manage multiple users involved in a approver
The AsyncEventScheduler starts a scheduler service to process async events in
an asynchronous way by calling the AsyncEventService.
The AsyncEventService can be used to process workflow events in an
asynchronous batch process.
Client Request Filter for basic authentication
is a custom implementation of the
provides convenient methods to access elements and
bpmn2:extension tags within a Open-BPMN Model
Example for a :Stores the result of a Facets search.
This Document entity bean is a wrapper class for the
org.imixs.workflow.ItemCollection which is used in all Imixs-Workflow
This MessageBodyWriter generates an HTML representation from a
This DocumentComposer Plugin creates html output stored in a item.
The DocumentController is a @ConversationScoped CDI bean to control the life
cycle of a ItemCollection in an JSF application without any workflow
The DocumentEvent provides a CDI observer pattern.
The DocumentService provides methods to access the DocumentService EJB
The DocumentService is used to save and load instances of ItemCollections
into a Database.
The JAXB DocumentTable represents a list of documents in a table format.
This MessageBodyWriter generates an HTML representation from a DocumentTable.
The EventLog entity bean is used by the EventLogService to create and access
event log entries.
The Imixs EventLog plugin can be used to create a EventLog entry during
processing an event.
The EventLogRestService supports methods to access the event log entries by
different kind of request URIs
The EventLogService is a service to create and access an event log .
Helper class to abstract the file content stored in a ItemCollection.
The FileUploadController is a conversation scoped bean and used to transfer
the parts to the associated workitem.
This RequestFilter performs a form based authentication.
A GenericAdapter extends the Adapter Interface.
The Imixs HealthCheckService implements the Microservice HealthCheck
This Plugin creates a history log in the property txtWorkflowHistory.
The ImixsConfigSource is a custom config source based on Microprofile Config
The ExceptionHandler provides a method to add a error message to the given
workItem, based on the data in a WorkflowException or InvalidAccessException.
The ImixsJSONBuilder is an utility class to generate a typed json string from
an Imixs ItemCollection.
The ImixsJSONParser is an utility class to parse JSON structures of Imixs
The IndexEvent provides a CDI event fired immediately before a document is
indexed by the search service implementation.
An IndexException is a runtime exception which is thrown by a Imixs Workflow
component if a index is not read or writable. .
The Imixs Interval Plugin implements an mechanism to adjust a date field of a
workitem based on a interval description.
An InvalidAccessException is a runtime exception which should be thrown by a
Imixs Workflow component if a method call is invalid or the data structure is
in an invalid state.
This Class defines a ValueObject to be used to exchange data structures used
by the org.imixs.workflow Framework.
The ItemCollectionComparator provides a Comparator for ItemColections.
JobHandler to rebuild the lucene fulltext index.
The JobHandlerRenameUser updates the name fields of workitems.
JobHandler to upgrate existing workItems to the latest workflow version.
The JSONParser is an utility class to parse JSON structures.
Client request Filter for Imixs-JWT
This Backing Bean acts as a Login Helper Class.
This Pluginmodul cuts the length of the technical log entries generated by
the WorkflowKernel:
The Attribute numWorkflowLogLength indicates the maximum number of entries.
This session ejb provides functionality to maintain a local Lucene index.
The LuceneItemAdapter is a CDI bean, providing methods to convert the value
of an Imixs Item into a IndexableField.
This session ejb provides a service to search the lucene index.
The LuceneUpdateService provides methods to write Imixs Workitems into a
Lucene search index.
This plug-in supports a Mail interface to send a email to a list of
The Imixs MetricSerivce is a monitoring resource for Imixs-Workflow in the
prometheus format.
An ModelException should be thrown by a service component if a model entity
is invalid or does not exist
provides methods to get model entities from a
model instance.The WorkflowService Handler supports methods to process different kind of
request URIs
The ModelManager is independent form the IX JEE Entity EJBs and uses the
standard IntemCollection Object as a data transfer object to communicate with
This plugin implements a ownership control by evaluating the configuration of
an BPMN Event element.
A Plugin defines the interface between the WorkflowKernel and the
A plug-in may optionally implement the interface 'PluginDependency' to
indicate dependencies on other plug-ins.
A PluginException is thrown by an Imixs-Workflow plugin implementation.
An ProcessingErrorException is a RuntimeExcption thrown by the
workflowManager if an error occurs during the process method
The ProcessingEvent provides a CDI event fired by the WorkflowService EJB.
The QueryException is thrown in case a search query can not be pased.
The Interface QuerySelector can be implemented as a CDI Bean to provide a
custom selection of workitems.
This plug-in executes a Imixs Report definition and stores the result either
into the current workitem ($file) or into the file system.
The WorkflowService Handler supports methods to process different kind of
request URIs
The ReportService supports methods to create, process and find report
The ResourceBundleHandler provides helper method to lookup a label in
different bundles.
RestAPIException signals an error in the communication with the Imixs Rest
API using the Imixs RestClient.
This Utility class provides methods to convert Item Values in Rest API calls.
The Imixs RestClient is a helper class for a Rest based communication without
the use of Jax-rs.
This Plug-In evaluates the result message provided by the Activity property
The RootService provides the api description
The Imixs RuleEngine is a CDI bean called by the WorkflowKernel to evaluate
business rules part of an BPMN model.
This is a helper class to convert a deprecated script into the new format.
The Imixs Rule Plugin evaluates a business rule provided by the current
This interface is used to implement a Scheduler managed by the
This SchedulerSaveService is used to save configurations in a new
The SchedulerController is a front-end controller to start and stop
The SchedulerException is thrown from the generic scheduler service
The SchedulerService EJB can be used to start, monitor and stop custom
scheduler implementation.
The IndexSchemaService provides the index Schema.
This SearchService defines methods to search workitems or collections of
Sorts a ArrayList of SelectItems by label
The SetupEvent provides a CDI observer pattern.
The SetupService EJB initializes the Imxis-Workflow engine and returns the
current status.
A SignalAdapter extends the Adapter Interface.
The SolrAutoFlushScheduler starts a ManagedScheduledExecutorService to flush
the index events on a scheduled basis by calling the SolrUpdateService method
.The SolrIndexService provides methods to add, update and remove imixs
documents from a solr index.
This session ejb provides a service to search the solr index.
The SolrUpdateService process the index event log entries written by the
Imixs DocumentService.
Stores information about how to sort documents by terms by an individual
The Imixs Split&Join Plugin provides functionality to create and update
sub-process instances from a workflow event in an origin process.
The Imixs Taxonomy plugin can be used to collect taxonomy data at specific
stages of a business process.
The TextEvent provides a CDI observer pattern.
The TextForEachAdapter can be used to format text fragments with the
'for-each' tag.
The TextItemValueAdapter replaces text fragments with the values of a named
The TextPropertyValueAdapter replaces text fragments with named system
property values.
The UpdateService defines methods to update the search index.
The UserGroupEvent provides a CDI observer pattern.
A ValidationException should be thrown by a JSF managed bean or CDI bean
The VectorConverter can be used to convert a new-line separated list into a
vecotr and vice versa.
Converts a vector of integer values into a string an vice versa.
This plugin handles the creation and management of versions from an existing
workitem. inside the Imix JEE Workflow.
The ViewController can be used in JSF Applications to manage lists of
This class is used to handle expired sessions.
This class is used to handle expired sessions.
The ViewHandler is a @RequestScoped CDI bean computing the result defined by
a ViewController.
This WorkflowContext provides the
with a runtime
environment for the processing life cycle of a workitem.The WorkflowController is a @ConversationScoped CDI bean to control the
processing life cycle of a workitem in JSF an application.
The WorkflowEvent provides a CDI event fired by the DocumentController and
WorkflowException is the abstract super class for all Imixs Workflow
Exception classes.
The WorkflowKernel is the core component to process a workitem based
on its associated BPMN Task ($taskId) and Event ($eventId) elements.
The WorkflowManager is the general interface for a concrete implementation of
a workflow management system.
The WorkflowService Handler supports methods to process different kind of
request URIs
This EJB implements a Imixs Scheduler Interface and scans workitems for
scheduled activities.
The WorkflowSchedulerController is used to start and stop the standard workflow scheduler.
The WorkflowService is the Java EE Implementation for the Imixs Workflow Core
Represents a basic object type Long
The XMLDataCollection represents a list of XMLItemCollections.
An XMLItemCollectionAdapter converts a
into a
and reverseThe XMLitemCollection is a basic serializable representation of a pojo to map
a org.imixs.workflow.ItemCollection into a xml representation using JAXB api
An XMLDocumentAdapter converts a
into a
and reverseRepresents a single item inside a XMLItemCollection.
This class translates a XMLDocument into a HTML representation.
The XMLItemComparator provides a Comparator for XMLItems contained by a
XMLParser provides helper methods to parse xml strings
This class can be used to transform xml by XSL template.